June 06, 2020








同時,廣播電視大學也利用自身的優勢和特點,大力開展各種非學曆繼續教育工作。 十一五期間,非學曆繼續教育發展迅速,發展迅速。 非學曆繼續教育年均人數約300萬人,占我國高等教育非學曆繼續教育總量的三分之一以上。










Posted by: eede at 10:42 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 04, 2020












維生素 B 1(硫胺素),微克86150180180

維生素B 2(核黃素),微克6015051150

維生素B 3(煙酸),毫克2.

維生素B 6(吡ox醇),微克177980150

維生素B 9(葉酸),微克22291614









穀物中約三分之二的纖維是不溶的,而三分之一則是可溶的。當除去麩皮時,主要是不溶性纖維損失了。纖維具有多種健康益處,尤其是改善腸道健康和腸功能,還可以降低冠心病和2 型糖尿病的風險,並改善體重。1,3








其他產品創新也有助於改善面包的營養狀況,例如添加纖維,全穀物,種子和omega 3脂肪酸,並且這些創新有望繼續。4




歐洲食品安全局(2010)。關於碳水化合物和膳食纖維的膳食參考值的科學意見。EFSA Journal 8(3):1462。




Bautista-CastañoI和Serra-Majem L(2012)。面包消耗,體重和腹部脂肪分布之間的關系:來自流行病學研究的證據。營養評論70:218-233。

Weichselbaum E(2012)。面包會引起腹脹嗎?營養通報37:30-36。

Ohlund K等。(2010)。無麩質飲食的兒童的飲食缺陷。人類營養與營養學雜志23(3):294-300。


Belz MCE,林恩瑞,阿倫特(2012)。減少鹽分對面包的影響:綜述。食品科學與營養評論52:514-524。

Posted by: eede at 02:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 59 words, total size 12 kb.












維生素 B 1(硫胺素),微克86150180180

維生素B 2(核黃素),微克6015051150

維生素B 3(煙酸),毫克2.

維生素B 6(吡ox醇),微克177980150

維生素B 9(葉酸),微克22291614









穀物中約三分之二的纖維是不溶的,而三分之一則是可溶的。當除去麩皮時,主要是不溶性纖維損失了。纖維具有多種健康益處,尤其是改善腸道健康和腸功能,還可以降低冠心病和2 型糖尿病的風險,並改善體重。1,3








其他產品創新也有助於改善面包的營養狀況,例如添加纖維,全穀物,種子和omega 3脂肪酸,並且這些創新有望繼續。4




歐洲食品安全局(2010)。關於碳水化合物和膳食纖維的膳食參考值的科學意見。EFSA Journal 8(3):1462。




Bautista-CastañoI和Serra-Majem L(2012)。面包消耗,體重和腹部脂肪分布之間的關系:來自流行病學研究的證據。營養評論70:218-233。

Weichselbaum E(2012)。面包會引起腹脹嗎?營養通報37:30-36。

Ohlund K等。(2010)。無麩質飲食的兒童的飲食缺陷。人類營養與營養學雜志23(3):294-300。


Belz MCE,林恩瑞,阿倫特(2012)。減少鹽分對面包的影響:綜述。食品科學與營養評論52:514-524。

Posted by: eede at 02:00 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 59 words, total size 12 kb.

April 24, 2020



混合雲通常包括計算,存儲和其他服務的混合。該環境由本地基礎結構資源,私有雲服務和一個或多個公共雲產品(例如Amazon Web Services(AWS)或Microsoft Azure)以及各種平台之間的編排結合而成。

任何打算進行混合雲部署的組織都應盡早開始構建過渡框架。風險投資公司Thomvest Ventures的合夥人Umesh Padval說:"由於數據的敏感性,最大的決定是應該在內部部署哪些數據以及哪些應用程序 。”




數據中心運營商Markley Group的首席網絡架構師R. Leigh Henning說:"供應商提供的選擇令人眼花array亂,可能很難一一列舉。” "供應商並非總是能盡最大努力使他們的差異變得清晰,由於這種混亂,浪費了很多時間和精力。公司正陷入一個不透明的選擇領域。”

惠普公司混合雲副總裁Paul Miller表示,當前的混合雲管理市場不成熟且正在發展。供應商仍在解決客戶所需的管理工具類型。Miller補充說:"報價是有限的,可能不受所有公共場所,內部場所和邊界的支持。”


混合雲管理的最大挑戰也許是該技術為運營管理增加了新的,複雜的且經常不一致的層。"許多解決方案對其可管理的組件都具有兼容性限制,從而將您的管理平台鎖定在一個或多個供應商中,這可能會或可能不會與您當前或將來的系統架構保持一致,”雲計算運營高級顧問George Burns III警告說。為IT專業服務公司SPR。


同時,使用標准化的開源工具可以作為防止兼容性問題的有效起點。" 雲計算原住民基金會(CNCF)工具,如Kubernetes和普羅米修斯,都是很好的例子,”賈殷說。他說:"來自HashiCorp的開源工具,例如Vault,Vagrant,Packer和Terraform,為多雲和混合雲部署提供了很好的規范化層,但還遠遠不夠。” 理想情況下,領先的公共雲供應商都將同意一套標准的API,然後行業中其他人可以遵循。Jain說:"標准化可能是一個移動的目標,但是從效率和客戶滿意度的角度來看,這是至關重要的。”

Burns建議,編寫API配置的開發人員以及使用API​​配置的開發人員應形成一種共生關系,應相互維護。他解釋說:"硬件供應商需要對產品的更改和增強以及將如何影響其API保持開放態度。” "同樣,管理平台開發人員需要注意硬件平台API的更改,[並且]定期參與測試版本,並就結果和功能向供應商提供足夠的反饋。”


Google Cloud旨在協助大型機遷移



IBM首席執行官弗吉尼亞·羅密蒂(Virginia Rometty)將被其雲所取代


Posted by: eede at 08:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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April 22, 2020



2020年夏季家庭服裝CARNA VALDEVENIS E(威尼斯嘉年華)有豐富多彩的設計和不同的服裝風格。造型感十足,家庭照片在鏡子上如此容易,美麗的輕松,輕松擺脫普通遊客的照片。 留下難忘記憶的同時,也記錄了一種溫暖的情感,時間也會賦予它的意義。


狂歡節VENISE 2020年夏季家庭包

CARNAVAL DE VENISE馬卡龍夢幻家庭裝產品自帶一個浪漫主義氣息。爸爸的奶油杏上衣采用柔和以及大氣,淺藍色袖口鎖邊與短褲上的藍色進行印花相呼應,藍色斜挎包點亮學生整體設計造型;小男孩的軟萌白色T恤與黑下裝,黑白色彩搭配,經典教學效果可以翻倍;母女一深一淺的溫柔櫻花粉,自帶CP感。整體以柔和的純色為底,再搭配更加豐富自己精致一些海洋文化元素和品牌具有標志性LOGO、字母SLOGAN,無形間拉近我們親密社會家庭經濟關系,也煥發了這個夏日獨有的活力。



狂歡節VENISE 2020年夏季家庭包

CARNAVAL DE VENISE這套系統夏季家庭裝以清爽的椰奶白為底色,父子以印花T恤+休閑運動短褲+漸變外套,將兩人的陽光、活力與默契程度展現得淋漓盡致;母女關系則以實現大面積進行海草研究元素分析為主,深淺可以交替的顏色信息為輔,增加企業整體空間層次感,並且中國媽媽以白色內搭、女兒以白色筒襪巧妙地平衡了複雜感。



狂歡節VENISE 2020年夏季家庭包





喬丹的2019財年,耐克贏得了整個職業生涯軌道$ 130萬的股息收入


熱播以及韓劇《The King:永遠的君主》,鄭恩彩佩戴Boucheron寶詩龍珠寶文化魅力同時登場

服裝業發展慘淡 無奈的蘑菇街裁員14%


Posted by: eede at 08:41 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 24, 2011

Natural pearls

Born August 15, 1950 and raised in Pearl (most bios say Jackson, Mississippi but that's because people associate Pearl with the Jackson metro area), Aldridge became a hard rock drumming legend. He was entirely self-taught on drums.

By the early 1970s,jewellery manufacturers Aldridge had joined up with up-and-coming Southern rockers Black Oak Arkansas, playing on a total of nine albums from 1972 through 1976 and touring the U.S. nonstop. It was around this time that Aldridge developed the double-bass drumming technique that would soon be copied by countless other drummers, especially those in thrash metal bands in the 1980s.

Throughout his career Tommy has been regarded as a double bass drumming pioneer. Alrdidge has amassed impressive drumming credits, having played drums for many famous artists. He spent 1978 to 1981 signed with Canadian blues-rock guitarist Pat Travers,tahitian pearl and recorded five albums with him.

His other most noteworthy credits include having played with Ozzy Osbourne on the Diary of a Madman tour and on the albums Speak of the Devil (1982), Bark at the Moon (1983) and on Tribute (1987), Whitesnake on the Whitesnake self-titled album tour and on the albums Slip of the Tongue (1989) and Live: In the Shadow of the Blues (2006), Thin Lizzy on the album One Night Only (2000),golden south sea pearlMotörhead on the album March ör Die (1992) and Ted Nugent on the album Full Bluntal Nugity (2001). He plays Yamaha drums, a company he has been with for more than 20 years. He currently resides in Santa Barbara, California.

Previously, natural pearls were found in many parts of the world. Present day natural pearling is confined mostly to seas off Bahrain.freshwater pearl Australia also has one of the world's last remaining fleets of pearl diving ships. Australian pearl divers dive for south sea pearl oysters to be used in the cultured south sea pearl industry. The catch of pearl oysters is similar to the numbers of oysters taken during the natural pearl days. Hence significant numbers of natural pearls are still found in the Australian Indian Ocean waters from wild oysters. X-Ray examination is required to positively verify natural pearls found today.

Export (EX, ELX, EXR, and ECX) - Pearl's most popular series of drum kits, and the most popular set ever sold (the one millionth Export kit was produced in 1995). The latest generation of Export drums were made with 6 plies (7.5mm) of Poplar, with the ECX series being made from maple, and come standard with Pearl's ISS tom mounting system. They were discontinued and replaced by the Vision series.

Posted by: eede at 08:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 431 words, total size 3 kb.

May 17, 2011

Versus water velocities

Heat exchange is a fundamental and important operation in chemical processing. Control of process conditions is critical to production of on-specification products, efficiently, economically and safely. Understanding the phenomenon of heat plate type heat exchangertransfer and the appropriate application of energy transport theory and its associated empirical relationships is a field that chemical engineers must master.

This spray heat exchanger tubes in rows is fixed to the steel, the thermal fluid flow in the pipe, cooling water leaching from the top of the uniform under the spray device, it is also known as the spray cooler. spray heat exchanger tube is a layer of film with higher levels of turbulence, heat transfer coefficient outside the tube increases much more immersive. In addition, most of this heat exchanger placed in the place of air circulation, cooling water evaporation is also part of the heat away, reducing the cooling water temperature can play, increasing the role of heat transfer driving force. Therefore, comparison, and immersion, spray heat exchanger greatly improved heat transfer.

The heat exchanger is a double-pipe heat exchanger.golden south sea pearl In the experiment you must investigate the exchanger performance by measuring various operating conditions and:

determining the heat load on the exchanger,
determining the steam film coefficient from a plot of the overall heat transfer coefficients versus water velocities,
estimating the exchanger efficiency from the data collected.

Tube heat exchanger tube heat exchanger is different from the direct control of the diameter into the concentric casing, connected together by the U-shaped bend. In this heat exchanger, a fluid tube to go, and the other take a fluid annulus, both can get a higher flow rate, so the heat transfer coefficient. In addition, tube heat exchanger, two fluids can be as pure counter-current, large logarithmic mean driving force. Simple tube heat exchanger, can withstand high pressure,tahitian pearl applications are also easy (according to the number of pipe sections need to change). Particularly because pipe heat exchanger heat transfer coefficient with the same time, heat transfer driving force big and strong to withstand high pressure advantage of the production process in the ultra-high pressure (for example, a pressure of 3,000 atmospheres pressure polyethylene production process) heat exchanger used in almost all bushings.

"Zones" can best be defined as regimes of phase changes where the overall heat transfer coefficient (Uo) will vary. Using T-Q (Temperature-Heat) diagrams are the best way to pinpoint zones. The system is defined as co-current or countercurrent and the diagram is constructed. The diagram on the left illustrates the use of T-Q diagrams. These diagrams should accompany your basic (input-output) diagram of the heat exchanger. Chemical #1 enters the shell at 200 0C as a superheated vapor. In Zone 1, it releases heat to the tubeside chemical (Chemical #2). Zone 1 ends just a Chemical #1 begins to condense. The tubeside (Chemical #2) enters as a liquid or gas and does not change phase throughout the exchanger.jewelry factory Chemical #1 leaves Zone 1 and enters Zone 2 at its boiling temperature, Tb1. T* marks the temperature of Chemical #2 when Chemical #1 begins to condense. In Zone 2, Chemical #1 condenses to completion while Chemical #2 continues to increase in temperature. The temperature of Chemical #2 when Chemical #1 is fully condensed is denoted at T**. Finally, in Zone 3, both chemicals are liquids. Chemical #1 is simply liberating heat to Chemical #2 as it becomes a subcooled liquid and exits the shell at 100 0C.

Posted by: eede at 07:05 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 12, 2011

Heterogeneous body

A pearl is a hard object produced within the soft tissue (specifically the mantle) of a living shelled mollusk. Just like the shell of a mollusk, a pearl is made up of calcium carbonate in minute crystalline form, which has been deposited in concentric layers.Choose plate heat exchanger The ideal pearl is perfectly round and smooth, but many other shapes of pearls (baroque pearls) occur. The finest quality natural pearls have been highly valued as gemstones and objects of beauty for many centuries, and because of this, the word pearl has become a metaphor for something very rare, fine, admirable, and valuable.

Real Zhu, pearl, pearl, bead, lian bead [chemical composition] the host contains the calcium carbonate. The pearl chemical constituent becomes: CaCO391.6%th, H2O and organic matter each 4%, its 0.4%. and includes many kinds of amino acids: Leucine (Leucine), methionine (Methionine), alanin (Alanine), glycine (Glycine), glutanic acid (Glutamic acid), aspartic acid (Aspartic acid) and so on. Moreover, but also includes 30 many kinds of trace elements, the taurine, the rich Vitamin, the peptide class.

[contour characteristic] the pearl's shape are many and varied, has the circular, the pear, egg-shaped, the waterdrop shape, the button shape and the random shape, take circular as good. Heterogeneous body. The color has the white, the pink, faint yellow, the pale-green, the pale blue, brown, the lavender, the black and so on, by white primarily. White streak. Has the typical pearly luster, the gloss is gentle, and has the rainbow dizzy color. Transparently to translucent. Index of refraction 1.530-1.686, double refraction rate 0.156. Non-chromatic dispersion. Degree of hardness 2.5-4.5. The natural fresh water pearl's density is 2.66-2.78g/cm3 generally, different has the difference because of the habitat. Does not have the cleavage. Toughness compares the pearl accessories solid racket (1 good. Under the shortwave ultraviolet ray the pearl obviously white, faint yellow, the pale-green, the blue color fluorescence, the black pearl sends the light red fluorescence; Under the X-ray has the light yellow white fluorescence. Meets the hydrochloric acid to bubble.

Almost any shelled mollusk can, by natural processes, produce some kind of "pearl" when an irritating microscopic object becomes trapped within the mollusk's mantle folds, but the great majority of these "pearls" are not valued as gemstones. Nacreous pearls, the best-known and most commercially-significant pearls, are primarily produced by two groups of molluscan bivalves or clams. A nacreous pearl is made from layers of nacre, by the same living process as is used in the secretion of the mother of pearl which lines the shell.

The natural pearl assumes the round sphere, the ellipse, the anomalous sphere or the oval, the diameter 1~6 millimeters. Surface class white, yellow white, baby pink, light blue and so on, has the beautiful colored gloss, smooth. Has made the ornament pearl, central has the perforation most. The nature is hard, difficult stave, breaks delivering in person layered. With burns down it to have the report. The gas does not have, taste micro salty. the cultured pearl shape and the natural pearl are similar, but the varnish is weak, the cross section central has the circular sand grains or the abalone particles, the surface has a book nacreous layer. Is used as medicine only uses the nacreous layer.cheap wedding dresses The gas does not have, taste micro salty. However the Hepu ecology pearl's appearance greatly improved the cultured pearl quality now! take the pellet circle entire, the gloss transparent, has unusual brightness, quality of material hardness good as. [collects and processes] the whole year all produces, usually are many by December, dives the seabed, takes from the water plant or the stone goes to sea the freshwater mussel, from takes out the pearl. The meat may edible. [raw material for medicine and production and marketing] the granulated pearl which obtains for the bivalves.

Posted by: eede at 03:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 621 words, total size 4 kb.

May 04, 2011


Generation Brands is one of America's leading companies serving the lighting, electrical wholesale, home improvement, home décor, and building industries. The company has an outstanding portfolio of fashionable and functional lighting fixtures, ceiling fans, and decorative products that provide value and growth for our customers and end-users.LED strip lightOur success is derived from our ability to serve our customers and end-users with superior service, leading edge design, and outstanding quality.
It will take a long time based on energy savings compared with CFLs to recoup the initial cost. On the other hand, LEDs are supposed to last upward of 20 years, and I placed them in fixtures that we flick on and off frequently, which I hope will address the burnouts I've experienced with CFLs.
in (2) automobile industry's application automobile contains the automobile internal display board, the acoustic indicating lamp, switch's back light source with the lamp, to read the lamp and the exterior brake lamp, the rear light, the side light as well as the head lamp and so on. The automobile does not bear the vibration hit with the incandescent lamp, easily to damage, the life to be short, needs to replace frequently. in 1987, our country started on the automobile to install the top digit brake lamp.
Because the LED speed of response is quick, may remind the driver to get on the brakes early, reduces the automobile to follow the accident, in the developed country, used the LED manufacture the central committee postpositioned top digit brake lamp to become automobile's standard letter, American HP Corporation the semiconductor illuminates the LED automobile rear light mold train which in 1996 promoted to be possible to combine Cheng Ge to plant the automobile rear light at will. In addition, in the automobile display board and other each kind of illumination part's photo source, the available superelevation brightness illumination lamp takes on, therefore gradually is using the LED demonstration. Our country automobile industry is being in the big development time, is promotes superelevation brightness LED the extremely good opportunity. In the recent several years will form yearly produces 1,000,000,000 Yuan output values, in 5 years will form every year 30 hundred million Yuan output values.
The Envision Head offers a balance of design and performance. Its die-cast aluminum LED head pivots vertically 90 degrees and rotates 360 degrees, with modular components for ease of replacement. LED tube light The power supply and heat sink fins both sit within the head, resulting in a clean, thoughtful, seamless design. The LED module (in 2700°K, 3000°K, and 4000°K), optic (in 15°, 25° and 40°), and power supply are all modular for ease of replacement. At 18 watts and 867 net lumens, the head offers a high level of performance. In addition to the T-TRAK and monopoint options, later this year it will be made available on numerous other track lighting systems.

Posted by: eede at 08:50 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 478 words, total size 3 kb.

Automobile internal

Construction Business Media, headquartered in Chicago, IL is publisher of Architectural Products, Illuminate and Architectural SSL magazines. The company also operates the ArchLED Conference, markets and partners in TheContinuingArchitect.com educational platform, and maintains websites and electronic extensions of its print publications.

Brightness (cd/m2) the brightness is expressed that the eye sees the object emitting light from some direction the intensity. The unit for candela/square meter [cd/m2], the mark is L, indicated that the luminophor in specific direction unit solid angle unit area luminous flux, it was equal to 1 square meter surface sends out 1 candela the luminous intensity. color temperature (Color Temperature) , when the photo source sends out the light color and the blackbody radiates when some temperature the color which are the same, the blackbody temperature is called this photo source the color temperature, LED strip lightwith absolute temperature K (Kelvin, kelvin degree = degree Celsius + 273.15) expressed.
Generation Brands is one of America's leading companies serving the lighting, electrical wholesale, home improvement, home décor, and building industries. The company has an outstanding portfolio of fashionable and functional lighting fixtures, ceiling fans, and decorative products that provide value and growth for our customers and end-users. Our success is derived from our ability to serve our customers and end-users with superior service, leading edge design, and outstanding quality.
It will take a long time based on energy savings compared with CFLs to recoup the initial cost. On the other hand, LEDs are supposed to last upward of 20 years, and I placed them in fixtures that we flick on and off frequently, which I hope will address the burnouts I've experienced with CFLs.
in (2) automobile industry's application automobile contains the automobile internal display board, the acoustic indicating lamp, switch's back light source with the lamp, to read the lamp and the exterior brake lamp, the rear light, the side light as well as the head lamp and so on. The automobile does not bear the vibration hit with the incandescent lamp, easily to damage, the life to be short, needs to replace frequently. in 1987, our country started on the automobile to install the top digit brake lamp. Because the LED speed of response is quick, may remind the driver to get on the brakes early, reduces the automobile to follow the accident, in the developed country, used the LED manufacture the central committee postpositioned top digit brake lamp to become automobile's standard letter, American HP Corporation the semiconductor illuminates the LED automobile rear light mold train which in 1996 promoted to be possible to combine Cheng Ge to plant the automobile rear light at will. In addition, in the automobile display board and other each kind of illumination part's photo source, the available superelevation brightness illumination lamp takes on, therefore gradually is using the LED demonstration. Our country automobile industry is being in the big development time, is promotes superelevation brightness LED tube light the extremely good opportunity. In the recent several years will form yearly produces 1,000,000,000 Yuan output values, in 5 years will form every year 30 hundred million Yuan output values.

Posted by: eede at 08:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 519 words, total size 4 kb.

April 26, 2011

Heat exchangers

Evaluating plate heat exchangers

All plate heat exchangers look similar on the outside. The difference lies on the inside, in the details of the plate design and the sealing technologies used. Hence, when evaluating a plate heat exchanger, it is very important not only to explore the details of the product being supplied, but also to analyze the level of research and development carried out by the manufacturer and the post-commissioning service and spare parts availability.
An important aspect to take into account when evaluating a heat exchanger are the forms of corrugation within the heat exchanger. There are two types: intermating and chevron corrugations. In general, greater heat transfer enhancement is produced from chevrons for a given increase in pressure drop and are more commonly used than intermating corrugations.
businesses and developers are warming up to the idea of solar electricity generation, but before the idea heats up any more, Texas Wind Energy Clearinghouse intends to get more information out about the possibilities of solar energy throughout the state.

To educate and network players in the energy sector, the clearinghouse is hosting this year's Lone Star Solar Summit in San Angelo later this week.
Compactness- The units in a plate heat exchanger occupy less floor space and floor loading by having a large surface area that is formed from a small volume. This in turn produces a high overall heat transfer coefficient due to the heat transfer associated with the narrow passages and corrugated surfaces.
Flexibility- Changes can be made to heat exchanger performance by utilizing a wide range of fluids and conditions that can be modified to adapt to the various design specifications. These specifications can be matched with different plate corrugations.
Low Fabrication Costs- Welded plates are relatively more expensive than pressed plates.Plate Heat Exchangers Plate heat exchangers are made from pressed plates, which allow greater resistance to corrosion and chemical reactions.
Ease of Cleaning- The heat exchanger can be easily dismantled for inspection and cleaning (especially in food processing) and the plates are also easily replaceable as they can be removed and replaced individually.
Temperature Control- The plate heat exchanger can operate with relatively small temperature differences. This is an advantage when high temperatures must be avoided. Local overheating and possibility of stagnant zones can also be reduced by the form of the flow passage.

Posted by: eede at 07:47 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 392 words, total size 3 kb.

April 20, 2011

Varies linearly

"We have to demonstrate to the regulator that this is in the best interests of the Nova Scotia Power customers across the province," Richardson said.

He said the utility would not raise power rates to pass on the cost to homeowners. There are separate billing plans for street-light owners, LED light he said.

Dexter said later at Province House that it would be up to the review board to decide whether there would be any effect on ratepayers.LED Ceiling Light He said factors would include the amortization rate and how quickly the capital cost would be included in the five-year transition period.

"The saving would go into the rate case each year as well, so they don’t get to take advantage of the savings and put the capital in (the rate) — both the savings and the cost become part of what the rate base is,"LED flood light the premier said.

Liberal environment critic Andrew Younger said he doesn’t see any reason for ratepayers to be affected, since the province leases most of the street lights. He said the government could keep paying the same lease cost, and the savings from less power use would cover the capital cost.
In a material with a frequency-dependent refractive index, each frequency propagates with a different phase velocity,LED spot light thereby modifying the nature of the interference. If n(ω) varies linearly with frequency ω, the effect of the modified interference is to shift the peak of the pulse in time, but with the pulse shape staying the same. The fact that the pulse is temporally shifted implies that it is traveling with a velocity different from the phase velocity.LED strip light This new velocity is known as the group velocity and is defined as:
where ωc is the central frequency and ng is the group index of the material. We see that ng differs from the phase index by a term that depends on the dispersion dn/dω of the refractive index.LED tube light For slow light, which occurs for ng >1, the point of constructive interference occurs at a later time. For fast light, which occurs for ng <1, it occurs at an earlier time.

Posted by: eede at 08:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 364 words, total size 3 kb.

April 13, 2011

jewellery ornaments

"Under Historical Records of the Eastern Han dynasty · Sedan chair Clothing Will": “later generation sages ......Sees the birds and beasts to have system of the crown angle Hu, then makes the royal crown ying rui (the sound: The pistil), thinks the jewelry.” : “the Qin male feudal lord, is adds its military commander jewelry to fall , by table in any case.” Cao Zhi "Goddess of Luoshui River Tax": “jewelry of Dai Jincui the.” [detailed explanation] 1. Wears on ornament.
"In Han History · Wangmang Biography": “hundred year old of mother, the infancy, cuts with the time interval, hangs a bamboo pole miao, the bead arc of contact of halo in the ear, the jewelry still saves, to count, if this, how could it not be 誖!” Three countries Wei Cao Zhi "Goddess of Luoshui River Tax": “jewelry of Dai Jincui the, decorates the pearl by Yao qu.” Tang Chen Ziang "Feeling Meets" 23rd poem: “fluttering flags light jewelry, luxuriant rotten brocade quilt.” Yuan Guan Hanqing "Jade Mirror stand" 3 zhe: “in coffer infinite exquisite silk pearls and jade, but can cancel with your betrothal present jewelry.” 2. Makes a general reference decorations and so on earring, necklace, ring, bangle. "Hong Lou Meng" 92nd: “was saying, hits the bosom to pull out a chest interest bead jewelry to come.”
* jewellery ornaments' English is [Jewelry], it stems from the French [Joiel], the meaning is [Joy]-- is joyful. If chooses suitably, wears ingeniously, may make you satisfied happy, is in high spirits. How however should choose, how to match ingeniously wears the jewellery ornaments to be only then appropriate is suitable? This must mention first from person's makings. So-called makings. Is person's physiology and the psychological comprehensive intrinsic characteristic. It has various meaning, the scope extremely is also broad, such as is calm and is lively, is sensitive and is simple-hearted, is exquisite and is rough, mature and naive and so on is the makings performance, this explained that each person's makings are entirely different.
In person's esthetic activity, the jewellery ornaments and wear are always absolutely an important class. Because the jewellery ornaments it selects the material quality is different, the color is different, the quality of material is different, the design design is different, the craft works including uses and wears the method differently the difference, brings the feeling to the human is also naturally different. The people according to these different special characteristics, entrusts with the jewellery ornaments by the different connotation, this is jewellery ornaments' individuality color. But different makings person, if elects to wear the jewellery ornaments to be appropriate, then already may strengthen jewellery ornaments' individuality color, may mold own enchanting charm and the individuality, causes the human and the jewellery ornaments complements each other, enhances one another's beauty, otherwise, then wears down mutually, destroys and both sides. [about 925 silver accessories] many people likes the silver personal ornament, how actually doesn't know to maintain, even thought that the silver personal ornament is unable to say for certain to raise very much, the fact is not truecheap wedding dresses.
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Posted by: eede at 08:00 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 781 words, total size 6 kb.

April 01, 2011

The goal

Company The company main form for the Limited liability company (limited company), individual unlimited liability company, forms a partnership the unlimited liability company (proprietary company) as well as the public offering Limited liability company and so on, it distinguishes between the nonprofit social group, the enterprise organization and so on. The present Chinese law of corporation stipulated the company divides into the Limited liability company and the Limited liability company. Looking from the Western Corporation theory, the company according to the dissimilar condition to be possible to make many kinds of classifications. For example acts according to whether to be suitable the limited liability to divide into the Limited liability company and the unlimited liability company. cheap wedding dressescheap evening dresses
Our country "Law of corporation" 2nd carries on the classification to the company, is according to sets up company's characteristic and coordinates the social economy to need to make. But has not removed other company shape in the social economy life function, because of it, we thought that the second viewpoint may pick. wholesale fashion jewelleryplate heat Exchanger
The Limited liability company most remarkable characteristic is, the shareholder is limited to by its spending limit to the company undertakes the responsibility, the company undertakes the full liability by its complete property to company's debt. The Limited liability company distinguishes between Limited liability company's most important characteristic is: Its complete capital divides into and so on volume stocks, the shareholder by the stock which its has to the company undertakes the responsibility, the company undertakes the responsibility by its complete capital to company's debt, for example To be listed. set up companyOffshore company
Company classification which the 2nd institute stipulated besides above "Law of corporation", the common taxonomic approach also has the following several kinds: The responsibility form which undertakes according to the shareholder different divides; Different divides according to company's credit standard; Is different according to the shareholder object and whether does the stock transfer divides; Divides according to company's nationality; Divides according to a company to another company's control and the attachment relations; Divides and so on according to the company interior jurisdiction system seven more common taxonomic approaches. Economic entity which forms according to certain configuration of organization, generally take the profit as the goal, is engaged in organization which business management or certain goals establish. Take realizes the investor benefit maximization as the mission, through provides the product or the service receiving in exchange for income. He is the social development product, develops because of social division of labor's development. Edits this section of legal definition Company company formationoffshore company formation
The company is one kind of enterprise configuration of organization. Says from the strict significance, the company is refers to namely defers to the legal rule, invests by the shareholder sets up take seeks to make a profit as the goal juridical association. In other words, the company defers to the economic entity which certain configuration of organization forms, generally take the profit as the goal, is engaged in organization which business management or certain goals establish. Take realizes the investor benefit maximization as the mission, through provides the product or the service receiving in exchange for income. It is the social development product, develops because of social division of labor's development. The company has generally undertakes the civil liability independently. Is called for the legal person. Company's English explanation virtual office
Company: A company is a business organization that makes money by selling goods or services. In its broadest sense, a company is an aggregation of people who stay together for a common purpose. corporation: A corporation is a large business or company.

Posted by: eede at 09:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 607 words, total size 5 kb.

March 25, 2011

Designer article type

Designer Fang Lusha designer: Fang Lusha article type: Reprints Andou Tadao------Young people compulsory three classes
Andou Tadao only then the quality graduates, depending on studies independently strides in the construction domain, in 1997, University of Tokyo invited him to be department of architecture professor. The recollection past, An Teng said that 15 years old because of the Osaka native place reconstruction, saw carpentry skilled worker earnest face, “I like their with heart and soul investment the feeling,” he also hoped now uses the similar warm infection younger generation. Studies independently the successful person to these hopes, he in comes to Taiwan in the lecture, suggests the following 3 hall required course:
The 1st class" walks into the reality bravely
If in the life pursues “the light”, must first stare at is called “the shade” at present the difficult reality earnestly.
interior design
An Teng acknowledged: “studies independently is a difficult road, does not have schoolmate to be possible with my one learns by teaching, is very lonely, at that time I except read, is looks at the massive constructions.”23 years old, he depending on plays the boxing to save the travel expense, carries on 10 months to stretch across European, Asian, the Africa's travel of construction. Andou Tadao sighs with emotion, now the young people depend on the network understanding world, but he suggested that between the young people must as soon as possible “the understanding realistic and are unreal have what difference, and brave walks into the reality.”
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In the construction, An Teng stressed that the massive utilization “the light” and “the shade”, facing the life is also so, he said: “if in the life pursues 'the light', must first stare at is called 'the shade at present' the difficult reality earnestly.”Because his life is this, only then “holds the small ray of hope, goes on living desperately, can always, in places the adverse circumstance to ponder how to overcome in the process, found the means of livelihood.”Can therefore achievement today's master the status. The 2nd class" initiative launches an attack looks for the opportunity
The work is not et al. visits to entrust, but is looks.
ups system
Comes again, must tell itself: “so long as wants to do, certainly may achieve.”Moreover must have “the work is not et al. visits to entrust, but is look” the manner.
He gives an example, in the Japanese Kobe six armor mountains, he has built an entire piece of set type housing, there is nearly 60 degree pitch places, very difficult to imagine in above builds the house, he actually designs a series of height scattered about house “to inlay” on the hillside, but also the company makes 4 issues, around spent in the recent 20 years only then to complete.
And, the 1st, 2 issues are the owner entrust, the 3rd issue is he “looks” comes, because he discovers the Kobe system steelStaff old dormitory also in here. Therefore draws the design drawing first, then asks the landlord Kobe system steel organization head to discuss, had not thought that is actually resisted .
An Teng does not lose heart, makes the model again proposal, returns as before , had the Osaka Kobe big earthquake until 1995, the dormitory destruction, he visited once again, only then successfully convinced the Kobe system steel. Not only that after completing the Kobe system steel land constructs the document, he again to neighbor seeks for the potential land, the landlord unexpectedly is the Japanese influence huge Triad society, but he convinces opposite party to complete the 4th issue of land on slopes residential building finally. The 3rd class" helps others the creation opportunity
Wants to do, insists finally, builds the house is this, cannot give up to the last moment.
Not only for oneself the opportunity, Andou Tadao also helps others the creation opportunity, he has handled quite many temples and the church construction, the most famous case, was in 1988 starts on the Japanese four country straight island artistic construction plan. The straight island is located at the Laihu inland sea the island, must ride 50 minutes ships from the Japanese native place to be able.
At that time there population outflow, on the island only then 3,500 residents and the decline fishing villages, Andou Tadao actually built up the art museum on the island, and invited the modern artist to go to create, now, the sightseeing becomes the straight island greatest income, in July to October or the Laihu inland sea art season center. Finally, but also the people room which leaves unused on the island puts the modern artware, expands the artistic community by the art museum, lets the old community, because the young tourist activates, also, because the tourist changes many, the people sleep with the dining room arise at the historic moment. Andou Tadao said: “the resident retrieves to the house self-confidence and the pride, you will discover that old person and the young people will start to talk, the local resident will be with smile on the face receives the tourist the picture to become the daily scene.”
Regardless of six armor mountain's housing document or the straight island's artistic plan, is 20 year above long-term Sino-Japanese War, why can insist? An Teng a few words which once said with paternal grandmother replied: “wants to do, insisted finally cannot give up, building the house is this, cannot give up to the last moment.” Small file _ Andou Tadao Birth: in 1941
School record: Quality graduation
Prize: The maiden work “lives in the lucky long room” namely to win the Japanese Construction Institute year big prize
Famous work: Straight island “art museum”, Tokyo “table senate earthen mound” At present carries on: Taiwan Australia bottom “earth church”, Tokyo “Tokyo Sky Tree” Publication books: "Architect Andou Tadao" (Shangzhou publication)
An Teng: “wants to do, insisted finally cannot give up, building the house is this, cannot give up to the last moment.” The naturalism unrest is increasingly fierce in the fashion. Lives in the design, naturalism's concept no longer limits to the wood, the rattan and so on natural material quality, perhaps wood grain, green uniform temperature and romantic accent nature. Goes too far boldly the pattern design, the three-dimensional biological modelling modelling utensil as well as each kind from the nature bright color, have annotated this season real lovable super naturalistic style.

Posted by: eede at 02:40 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 1067 words, total size 8 kb.

March 17, 2011

Your Dreams

Why Are You Here?
When I ask this question, I'm not inquiring why you are in the location you're in, or why you are in the city you're in, or even why you are in whatever country you're in.
I ask the question, because I'm wondering why you exist at all?
In the fall of 2003, I released a book I wrote called The Why Are You Here Caf. It is a fiction story of a man who wanders into an all night caf and is surprised to find three questions on a menu. Why Are You Here? Do You Fear Death? Are You Fulfilled?
I am not so arrogant now to think that I have the answer to how anyone except for me should live their life. I do know though, that there are certain things I've learned that help me think about life in a different way. There are things that I wish I had learned earlier in life, things that I reflect on often and that continually give me a boost and help me on my journey to achieve the life of my dreams.
My hope is that in sharing those things with you, they will in some way assist you on your journey to live the life of your dreams.
1. Know your Purpose For Existing (PFE), or at least be looking
Your Purpose For Existing is exactly what it says. It is the reason you exist, the reason you are alive. It is the answer to the question I asked you at the start of this article. Why Are You Here?
Your PFE is like your own personal compass for life. Should you go to New York City and become a commodities trader? Go back to your PFE. Why are you here? Should you travel the world as a peace corp. volunteer? Go back to your PFE. Why are you here? Should you stay in a relationship you've been questioning? Go back to your PFE. Why are you here?
In addition to taking a great deal of the stress out of decision making, it also takes a lot of the anxiety out of everyday life. You don't have to justify to yourself or anyone else why you do what you do. You know the answer. You meet someone and they say, "Hi, what do you do?" You respond, "Oh, I teach yoga," or "I'm an insurance salesperson," or "I'm a chiropractor." "Interesting," they say, "what made you go into that line of work. "Well, it helps fulfill my Purpose For Existing," you respond. Wow! That is a powerful statement. You do what you do because it helps you fulfill the exact reason you exist. It doesn't get much simpler, or more powerful than that.
2. Fear is a terrible thing; don't let it control your life.
Someone once told me a great quote about trying something new. He said he had been battling with fear for a long time until one day his friend told him, "Listen, realistically what's the worst that could happen." I think that is great comment to remember. We are often paralyzed into non-action by the concern that something drastic might happen. But the reality is that almost any decision we make or action we take can be changed if we don't like the outcome.
We can almost always go back to whatever it was we were doing before we tried something new. Furthermore, what are the odds that the "worst thing" will happen? It probably isn't likely at all, and yet that remote chance keeps us from doing the things we want to do.
My major "Aha" moment which enabled me to get past my fears, came one day when I suddenly realized that there are very few things that have not already been done by at least one, and probably thousands of people. Certainly everything I was attempting, other people had already tried and succeeded at. Well heck, I thought. If they could do it, so can I.
It is likely that whatever you are trying to accomplish in life, someone, at some point in history, at some spot in the world, did it, and proved it could be done. If they could do it, so can you.
3. Either we can live as a speck of meaningless existence, or we can live a

Posted by: eede at 07:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 730 words, total size 5 kb.

March 10, 2011

A Girl Who Felt Ignored

This story is about a girl who felt ignored..

I have a boyfriend who grew up with me. His name is Jin.
I always thought of him as a friend until last year, when we went to a trip from a club, I found out that I fell in love with him.
Before the trip was over, I took a step and confessed my love for him.
And soon, we became a pair of lovers, but we loved each other in different ways.
I always concentrated on him only, but by his side, there was so many other girls.
To me, he was the only one, but to him, maybe I was just another girl...
"Jin, do you want to go watch a movie?" I asked.
"I can't"
"Why? You need to study at home?" I felt disappointment grabbing me.
"No... I am going to meet a friend..."
He was always like that.
He met girls in front of me, like it was nothing.
To him, I was just a girlfriend.
The word 'love' only came out of my mouth.
Since I knew him, I had never heard I'm say 'I love you' before.
To us, there weren't any anniversaries at all.
He didn't say anything from the first day and it continued till 1O0 days...2O0 days...
Everyday, before we say goodbye, he would just hand me a doll, everyday, without fail. I don't know why...
Then one day...
Me: Um, Jin, I...
Jin: What...don't drag, just say...
Me: I love you.
Jin: ...........you.....um, just take this doll and go home.
That was how he ignored my 'three words' and handed me the doll.
Then he disappeared, like he was running away.
The dolls I received from him everyday, filled my room, one by one.
There were many....
Then one day came, my 15th year old birthday.
When I got up in the morning, I pictured a party with him, and stranded myself in my room, waiting for his call.
But... lunch passed, dinner passed...and soon the sky was dark... he still didn't call.
It was already tiring to look at the phone anymore.
2am in the morning, he suddenly called me and woke me from my sleep.
He told me to come out of the house.
Still. I felt joy and I ran out happily.
Me: Jin...
Jin: Here...take this...
Again, he handed me a little doll.
Me: What's this?
Jin: I didn't give it to you yesterday, so I am giving it to you now.
I'm going home now, bye.
Me: Wait, wait! Do you know what today is?
Jin: Today? Huh?
I felt so sad, I thought he would remember my birthday.
He turned around and walked away like nothing had happened.
Then I shouted...
Jin: You have something to say?
Me: Tell me, tell me you love me...

Posted by: eede at 09:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 448 words, total size 4 kb.

December 16, 2010


Colombian Juan Manuel Santos has urged people to evacuate a hillside neighbourhood near Medellin, after a landslide buried around 50 houses.


More than 30 bodies have been recovered since the landslide in Bello on Sunday, about a third of them children.

More than 80 people are still missing, but rescue efforts have been hampered(阻碍,限制) by continued heavy rains.

President Santos said the collapse of the hillside was a "tragedy foretold" that could be repeated.

"To all the residents of this high risk zone, I ask you: in so far as is possible, let us evacuate this area. They have shown me places where what happened on Sunday could happen again and we have to avoid that," he said.

Mr Santos promised his government would build 1000 new homes in Bello for people whose houses were destroyed or had to be evacuated, and would help pay their rent until they could be re-housed.

He was speaking during a visit to the scene of the disaster, where hundreds of rescue workers and desperate residents have been digging through the mud in search of the missing.

"We are going to work 24 hours a day until we recover the last body, it is the least we can do", Mr Santos said.

National emergency

The landslide in the La Gabriela district of Bello on the outskirts(郊区) of Medellin is the deadliest single incident in what has been Colombia's worst rainy season in decades.

Across the country, around 200 people have died as a result of floods and landslides and hundreds of thousands have had to leave their homes.

President Santos is considering declaring a state of emergency, which would give his government more powers to address the crisis by raising emergency loans and even taxes.

"The tragedy has overwhelmed(打击) the current capacity of the state to confront it," he said.

Neighbouring Venezuela is also experiencing heavy flooding.

Some 100,000 people have been driven from their homes there.

President Hugo Chavez has said his government plans to take over private land to build new houses for some of those forced to abandon their homes.

Venezuela has also been offered help by its allies in Argentina, Bolivia, Nicaragua, and Brazil.

President Chavez said he had asked Brazil for military bridge-building equipment to replace vital road bridges that had been swept away.

The May-November rainy season in Mexico, Central America and the northern part of South America has been severe(严厉的,剧烈的) this year.

The extreme weather is attributed to the La Nina climatic phenomenon, which is caused by colder than usual water currents along the Pacific coast.

Posted by: eede at 04:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 454 words, total size 10 kb.

December 08, 2010

Los Angeles puts

The county of Los Angeles has come up with a set of new guideline regarding future hosting of electronic music festivals in an effort to make the raves safer, the county's Board of Supervisors announced on Tuesday.

The 10 guidelines were authored by a task force consisting of public health and safety officials in collaboration with police and event promotors.

The county requires participants at the raves must be at least 18 years of age, people must reach the legal age of 21 years of age before they are allowed to drink alcohol, all events must be closed by 2 a.m. and medical personnel must be on side in case of an emergency.

Fifteen-year-old Sasha Rodriguez overdosed on Ecstasy after attending the 14th annual Electric Daisy Carnival at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and died June 29. The event was held from June 25 and 26, drawing a huge crowd of 185,000 music fans. Police made more than 60 arrests at the scene. Drug overdoses and drunkenness were cited as a problem.

The owner of the Coliseum enacted an indefinite moratorium on the event, and agreed last week to abide by the latest recommendations. The moratorium was only lifted on Nov. 3.

The next rave at the Coliseum is slated to be held for New Year's Eve.

Last week, commission member and county Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky asked that raves be allowed to continue only if organizers' security and operational plans pass muster with the commission. That move requires that organizers submit detailed plans for approval at least two months before the event.

A Story about Death|A Cup of Tea|你天天都生活在奇蹟中|All I Want Is a Place to Relax|沏茶的啟示|家問(上)|A Hug for Your Thoughts|垂釣的訣竅|Build Me a Son|女抓捕手(上)|亞馬遜的猴子|只要肯學沒有不成功的|The Road to Greatness|Bing Your Own Best Friend|On Achieving Success|Come Home|一張畢業像|振翅飛翔的帝王蛾|挺起你的胸膛|On Children|Follow Your Bliss|幸福的秘密|Cheer for the blackout|你不能再回到昨天|請為你的誇獎道歉|Love Your Parents|非血之愛|wheeled briefcase|nonwoven bag|men's backpacks

Posted by: eede at 07:07 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 307 words, total size 5 kb.

November 29, 2010

British universities

British universities are endeavoring to build stronger partnerships with their Chinese counterparts and to enhance the exchange of students and scholars, in order to satisfy rising student interest in each other's country, a senior UK education official said.

"It is an opportunity to learn from each other and try to build a strong relationship between our two countries," Steve Smith, president of Universities UK, was quoted by Monday's China Daily as saying.

The latest figures from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), a central source for the collection and publication of higher education data in the UK, show that 47,035 students from China studied in the UK during the 2008-2009 academic year, a rise of 3.7 percent on the previous year.

Chinese students account for 18.72 percent of all non-EU international students in the UK's higher education institutions.

HESA's statistics also show that there has been a steady increase in the number of students from the mainland who have enrolled at universities in the UK over the past few years and that China is the top country outside the EU for sending students to study in the UK.

Zhang Yang, marketing manager with the Aoji Education Group, a Beijing-based student recruitment agency, said her company sent more than 3,000 Chinese students to study in the UK during the 2009-2010 academic year, 50 percent more than the previous year.

Zhang attributed the increase to a growing appreciation of the yuan as a currency and the improved student visa application system introduced in 2009.

"Under the new points-based system, the credentials of different educational institutions have been rated and are available to the public, which helps students make more informed decisions," Zhang said.

Lower financial requirements have also made overseas study more feasible for some applicants.

To secure a visa for a three-year undergraduate program, a Chinese student now only needs 20,000 yuan (3,010 U.S. dollars), instead of 60,000 yuan, Zhang said.

According to Smith, there were 3,500 British students on courses of study last year in China, which has become increasingly attractive as a location for studying abroad as a result of its rapidly growing economy and increased influence in the world.

Posted by: eede at 07:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 364 words, total size 5 kb.

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